

hit the hay
It is time for me to go to bed.
It is time for me to hit the hay.

quit cold turkey
I’m going to stop drinking alcohol immediately.
I am going to quit cold turkey on drinking alcohol.

hit the books
I have to study to prepare the quiz tomorrow.
I have to hit the books to prepare the quiz tomorrow.

face the music
My quiz failed. I must face reality to find out the reason.
My quiz failed. I must face the music to find out the reason.

ring a bell
I met the person three years ago. I try to remember what his name is.
I met the person three years ago. I rings a bell what his name is.

blow off steam
Tom made John very angry so John went for a run get rid of the stress.
Tom made John very angry so John went for a run to blow off steam.

twist someone’s arm
My mother has done a great job of convincing me to study English.
My mother has twisted my arm to study English.

get over something
How’s Mary? Has she no longer think about the death of her dog yet?
How’s Mary? Has she gotten over the death of her dog yet?

sit tight
We should have to wait patiently and take no action the teacher allows us to leave.
We should have to sit tight until the teacher allows us to leave.

stab someone in the back
Did you know Tom hurt his best friend by betraying them secretly and breaking their trust.
Did you hear that Sarah stabbed Kate in the back last week?”

pitch in
My father wants everyone to join in on the efforts to this weekend and help to clean the house.
My father wants everyone to pitch in this weekend and help to clean the house.

up in the air
Tom: John, have you set a date for the birthday party yet?       John: Not exactly, it is uncertain.
Tom: John, have you set a date for the birthday party yet?       John: Not exactly, it is up in the air.

on the ball
I am really very quick to understand the chapter to prepare the assignment that is due tomorrow.
I am really on the ball to prepare my assignment that is due tomorrow.

hit the sack
It is time for me to go to bed.
It is time for me to hit the sack.

go cold turkey
My grandfather suddenly stop smoking.
My grandfather go cold turkey on smoking.